Sunday, February 11, 2007

Tiles have arrived!!

Hey there, well look here they are, finaly arrived today. I'm really happy with the way the colours turned . Just paid for them too, ouch!! So I better sell heaps of them aye!



erika husselmann said...

Stunning! I just love the vibrancy of the works on the tiles. Looks awesome together, great stuff.

Sophia Elise said...

Heya...they do look amazing!!!!! How much are they to buy? And where can you buy them? :) S

Anonymous said...

Mike they look Awesome !!! good luck with selling them !! cheers Donna :-)

Mary McMillan said...

Mike, Your art work is fanatastic. I love your new tiles. How much are you selling them for. Also I love the spiral paintings. On average how much are they.
Cheers Mary McMillan

Mike Mayhew said...

Hi Mary, the tiles are selling for $20 each, and the spiral paintings, depending on size, e.g the koru shaped painting on my blog called 'Coiled Sky'(400mm x 400mm) went for $750, cheers.


sardav said...

Hi, where can I buy these tiles from and what are the dimensions? Look great btw. Sarah

Mike Mayhew said...

Hi Sarah, I can post some on TM if you want to buy some, just search Mike Mayhew and you should find them, cheers.
